Home Buying makes a difference

We’re all being impacted in different ways by the effects of the coronavirus.  Literally overnight, the way we grocery shop, meal prep, and interact with co-workers, friends, family and neighbors has changed drastically.  As a real estate broker, we have had to re-position the way we complete real estate transactions overnight as well.

There has been a lot of talk about how we can keep our restaurants in business by still ordering take out.  I myself have done my part and have patronized some of my favorite spots to help keep that portion of the economy going.  Another way you can help keep the economy in “go mode” is by buying a home.

If you’re able to buy a home today, know that you’re a major economic force in your neighborhood.   And while we all wait patiently for the current pandemic to pass, there are still things you can do in the meantime to keep your home search on track.  A few things you can do:

  • Scout out an Agent and begin the Buyer’s Agreement
  • Tour Homes Virtually
  • Make your list of “must haves”

Agents are still working and would love the opportunity to connect with you virtually.  Just know, you can still move forward with your home buying plan.

Average Economic Impact